Julian Jeweil is an internationally acclaimed DJ and producer originating from the south of France. Julian has hit various stages all across the world. His techno live PA has been heard on multiple festivals and venues. The latter includes: Monegros desert festival (Fraga), Kaballah festival (Sao Paulo), Soul tech festival (Mexico), We love techno (Tel Aviv), Refresh festival (Portugal), Astropolis/ Marsatac/ I Love Techno/ Electro d'Uzes etc (France), ROW 14 (Barcelona), Womb (Tokyo), D.Edge (Sao Paulo), Onzième (Osaka), Sankeys (Manchester), Zoon (Mexico), Rex club (Paris),Warehouse party (London), Ellui club ( Seoul) ... and many more.In 2011, Julian established himself as one of the most reliable techno artists.